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October 23, 2012 / worldventuresblog

WorldVentures & Facebook: It’s a Team Sport

WorldVentures on Facbeook is like Lost, "live together, or die alone."On one of the early episodes of the TV show Lost, faced with the decision as to whether to stay on the beach in case help arrives, or move inland to find safer shelter, the survivors are split. As the two parties argue what to do, the doctor-turned-reluctant-leader Jack Shepherd sums it up, “Either we live together, or we die alone.”

It’s a bold statement, and clearly when it comes to Facebook and social media the stakes aren’t as high, but the main concept holds true: if we stick together and play team, we’ll all be more successful!

First Rule: Be Supportive
As you begin your journey with WorldVentures, you’ll find that more of your Facebook friends will include fellow Reps, either because pre-existing friends have come on board with your WorldVentures team, or because you’ve met other Reps at our training events, like A View From the Edge. This is fantastic because Facebook allows you to maintain stronger connections with your WorldVentures family.

With this increased connection, one of the best ways you can play team is to support the activities of your fellow Reps by interacting with the content they share. If someone shares excitement about planning their first DreamTrip, be sure to ‘Like’ it! If you’ve been there, add a comment with some tips or things to do. If someone earns their silver BMW, give them a shout out, or tell them you’re proud of them.

One of WorldVentures’ ten Core Values it “We are one big team.” So when you encourage and support the activities of your fellow Reps, you let them know they’re loved. Plus, it gives their posts more weight with Facebook (they use an algorithm called EdgeRank), so they’re able to reach a bigger audience!

Second Rule: Don’t Vomit WorldVentures
Now, when you’re engaging with other WorldVentures Reps’ content, you must be aware of the second rule. Whatever you do, don’t vomit “WorldVentures” all over your friend’s posts! When it comes to social media, the best approach is to use attraction marketing, that’s content that pulls people in and makes them ask questions. That means sometimes posts are somewhat non-specific.

If your buddy shares, “Love driving my brand new silver BMW, especially since I don’t have to pay for it!” the last thing you want to do is immediately comment “WORLDVENTURES ROCKS!” below it. Your friend is trying to create some mystery so her friends will ask questions, but if you spoil it, you’re hurting her effectiveness.

Third Rule: Don’t Steal Prospects
Finally, this one should be obvious, but it’s incredible how frequently we see it happen. It starts when your pal Mark posts a picture of himself on the beach with a note reading, “Wow, seventh vacation this year, I love my life!” Then, his friend Jessica comments “Your seventh?!? How the heck do you afford that?”

Woo-hoo, jackpot! This is the moment Mark’s been waiting for. Now he has the perfect opening to contact Jessica, meet for coffee, and share WorldVentures with her. Yet surprisingly, we often see other Reps either comment with, “Jessica, Mark’s a DreamTrips Member, you should definitely join us!” or even worse, “Jessica, I just sent you a direct message.”

This is a huge violation of social media etiquette. Trying to steal your friend’s friends out from under them is like cutting in on a guy’s first dance with his girlfriend. It’s a big no-no. Anyone who posts a question on Mark’s picture is a lead for Mark to follow up with. You have to be respectful of that relationship and Mark return the favor.

Just follow these three rules and we’ll all have more success!

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